Monday, October 31, 2016

Theory of infinity

Soppose that:
$$y=\lim_{n \to +\infty} n$$
then $\frac 1y$ approaches $\frac 1{-y}$ as $n$ goes to $+\infty$
So, we can say that $\frac 1y \to \frac 1{-y}$
 And therefore
 $(y \to -y)$ as $(n \to +\infty)$

From this simple test we realize that there is only one infinity and the so-called $(+\infty , -\infty)$ are just two values approches to each other at one infinity without a sign ( without a sign because it is not a number)

So I can redefine the infinity as three types:
*Infinity: it is not a number therefore it has not a sign and it is equal to $\frac 10$
*Positive infinity: the biggest positive number and it is equal to $\frac 1{0^+}$
*Negative infinity: the smallest negative number and it is equal to $\frac 1{0^-}$

The methodology of this theory is like reimann sphere, but in this theory, I imagine the "numbers line" as very big circle that has diameter approaching to infinity so that its curve is really straight as we normally used to see it graphically.

One would say if $+\infty$ and $-\infty$ approaches to each other at infinity, why they give different values on a simple equation like $y=e^x$


The answer of this question is quite simple.
because the same problem can happen to zero or any other number like this equation.
$y= \frac 1x$ has two different values at $x=0^+$ and $x=0^-$ and I can give many different example of two different limits around one number (left and right side).
So does it means we have two different zeros or numbers, absolutely not.

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